About this site

Welcome to the US LAX blog. This blog is a resource for coaching and playing lacrosse, focused on the youth level as that is where my son is playing. In my search for lacrosse information to better help him, I decided to compile resources and links in one place to share and use as a reference. Enjoy, and let me know your thoughts and suggestions for content.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

LAX Field Positions

  • ATTACK: The attackman's responsibility is to score goals. He generally restricts his play to the offensive end.
  • MIDFIELD: The midfielder's responsibility is to cover the entire field playing both offense and defense.
  • DEFENSE: The defenseman's responsibility is to defend the goal. He generally restricts his play to the defensive end of the field.
  • GOAL: The goalie's responsibility is to protect the goal and stop the opposing team from scoring.

visit Sports Spectator for a nice breakdown on this topic, also the source of the graphic.

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